Christmas Tea at the Phillips House

Celebrate the season with Christmas Tea at Phillips House! Enjoy a festive tea with tea sandwiches and sweet treats in beautiful Samuel McIntire-designed rooms.
Celebrate the season with Christmas Tea at Phillips House! Enjoy a festive tea with tea sandwiches and sweet treats in beautiful Samuel McIntire-designed rooms.
Santa will be visiting the Salem Common Gazebo on Saturday, December 9th from 9:00am -12:00pm. This event will give families the opportunity to have their picture taken with Santa and pre-bagged treats will be available for the kids.
Historic Salem, Inc. hosts its annual holiday house tour in downtown Salem Massachusetts! Few communities have the rich legacy of historic houses that Salem, Massachusetts boasts. These homes, spanning four centuries, help define the character as well as the appearance of the city. Every year Christmas In Salem focuses on a different neighborhood, and some of the homeowners invite visitors into their homes fully decked out in holiday regalia, and to explore a series of unique histories and architectural tales.
Join Salem Main Streets and the City of Salem as we celebrate two of our most beloved annual traditions – Santa’s Arrival and the lighting of Salem’s Holiday Tree – all in one evening. Santa Claus will arrive at the top of the Hawthorne Hotel (18 Washington Square W) promptly at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 29, with assistance from the Salem Fire Department, of course. Organizers recommend arriving to the Salem Common by 5:45 p.m. to catch the arrival. Bring the whole family out for brass carols with Coventry Brass, festivities, and fun!
Join Salem Main Streets and the City of Salem as we combine two of our most beloved annual traditions – Greet Santa at the Hawthorne Hotel and the lighting of Salem’s Holiday Tree – into one evening. Santa Claus will arrive at the top of the Hawthorne Hotel (18 Washington Square W) promptly at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, November 29, 2024, with assistance from the Salem Fire Department, of course. Bring the whole family out for carols, festivities, and fun!
Join the fun for the annual Wild Turkey 5 Mile Run in downtown Salem Massachusetts Thanksgiving morning and raise funds for the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Salem! This is the largest race on the North Shore, now in its 21st year, with 2,000 anticipated participants. The first 1600 entries will receive long sleeve shirts. We give out awards in 5-year age groups. The pre and post-race meeting place will be in the Peabody Essex Museum Atrium. The race benefits the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Salem.
Join the Trustees for a special event with Marcia and Mark Wilson from Eyes on Owls, to meet 6 live owls up close and personal! By sharing photos, stories, and live owl demonstrations, the Wilsons highlight our local owls’ unique adaptations, habitats and behaviors in the wild, while sharing tips on how you can look and listen for owls yourself. And everyone gets to practice the owls’ calls during the hooting lessons!
Salem Arts Association celebrates October in Salem each year with this seminal exhibition. This year, we ask our members and the artist community at large to take a deep dive into the season and into Salem’s history, exploring the themes of witchcraft, the occult, autumn, and Halloween. This open call for art welcomes artists in the region to submit their work around these themes, in any medium. From cute to creepy, serious to spooky; from the tragedy of history to the bawdy revelry of October in Salem today, what does this time of year stir in your soul? By bringing your diverse takes
Are you quick enough to find one of Salem's rarest keepsakes of 2024? Join the search for hidden gold coins designed by 13-year-old resident Georgia Wrenn in the city's 6th annual coin hunt! Georgia’s Salem-centric brand Georgia Made This features her artwork and celebrates all things spooky and whimsical. One gold coin will be hidden every Saturday and Sunday during October. Clues that lead to the historic hiding places will be released at noon on those days on Georgia’s Instagram page. Follow @GeorgiaMadeThis and @PeabodyEssex to join in the fun! Sponsored by the Peabody Essex Museum.
There's nothing like October in Salem and the Salem Common Neighborhood Association is thrilled to host two weekends of our annual Kids Fun Fest on the Common including rides, face painting, slides and family fun! There is no admission fee to enter the Fun Fest. Ticket purchase proceeds benefit the Salem Common Neighborhood Association.