Winter Explorers

During this 3 day Winter vacation camp, kids (ages 7–11) will explore the farm in winter. From tracking to snow games to meeting the cows in their winter home, they will experience life on a farm in winter.
During this 3 day Winter vacation camp, kids (ages 7–11) will explore the farm in winter. From tracking to snow games to meeting the cows in their winter home, they will experience life on a farm in winter.
You just can't beat a cold bottle of milk from the local farm! Appleton Farms opened their retail shop at the farm designed to sell milk and other dairy products from their grass fed Jersey Cows! This is a big step for Appleton Farms and is a huge opportunity for North Shore families who are looking for locally produced food.
You just can't beat a cold bottle of milk from the local farm! Appleton Farms announced today that they have broken ground for a retail shop at the farm where they will sell milk and other dairy products from their grass fed Jersey Cows! This is a big step for Appleton Farms and is a huge opportunity for North Shore families who are looking for locally produced food.
From the Old House to the New House - explore the history of Appleton Farms as you visit old buildings, family memorials, and sacred spots along this special stretch of farmland. Please pre-register. This program meets at Waldingfield Road parking area.
This is a Trails and Sails special program! Enjoy one stunning view after the next as we explore the Crane Wildlife Refuge, an island studded patchwork of salt marsh and tidal creeks located in Essex Bay. During this guided tour, participants will traverse a series of island treasures, walking a spectacular network of carriageways and footpaths, linking cobbled beaches and grassy fields with forested hillsides and historic buildings.
Here's a great opportunity to hit the beach and learn a fun new skill with family members. There you can check out and try striper fishing in the surf. Area fishermen will be available Saturday mornings in June to teach the next generation of surfcasters the finer points of surfcasting at Crane Beach.
The Trustees of Reservations are looking for a few good fishermen to donate their time to inspire the next generation of surfcasters to take up a rod and reel at Crane Beach. To volunteer, or for more information, please contact Garry Dow.