The Secret Life of Pets at Newbury Town Library

The Newbury Town Library invites kids to a showing of Illumination's 'The Secret Life of Pets' as the half-day movie for town kids. A Jack Russell Terrier named Max lives with his owner Katie in a Manhattan apartment. While she is at work during the day, he hangs out with other pets in the building: tabby cat Chloe, pug Mel, dachshund Buddy, and budgerigar Sweetpea. One day, Katie adopts Duke, a large and shaggy mongrel from the pound, leaving Max jealous because of her divided attention between him and Duke. Enraged by Max's attitude towards him, Duke tries to abandon Max in an alley, but they are both attacked by a gang of alley cats led by Sphynx cat Ozone. The cats remove both dogs' collars and leave them to be caught by Animal Control. Hilartiy ensues, and we lear a little about the way pets live their lives while we are all attending to other matters.