This evening's program will give you a basic introduction to the moon. In addition to describing some basic lunar facts, you will learn about the cosmic events that led to its creation and present appearance, the role its orbit plays in creating solar and lunar eclipses, and more.
Afterward, weather permitting, tour the stars of the winter constellatoins through a large reflector telescope, taking in such sights as the Pleiades star cluster and the Great Orion Nebula. The definite highlight, surely, will be the dramatic views of the moon itself, with its stunning craters and mountains.
- Suitable for ages 8-18
- Meets in the Nature Center
- The indoor portion of the program runs rain, clouds, or star shine.
- Please Dress for the weather
- Registration is required
Saturday, February 4, 2017 7:30-9pm
Audubon Members: Adults: $7; Children: $6
Non-Members: Adults: $9; Children $7