It Takes a Village Baby Fair

We would like to welcome new and expectant parents to our baby fair. Join us for baby wearing lessons, a yoga demonstration, and more. There will even be a car seat technician there to check your car seat!
We would like to welcome new and expectant parents to our baby fair. Join us for baby wearing lessons, a yoga demonstration, and more. There will even be a car seat technician there to check your car seat!
These fun-filled morning programs with “Miss Lisa” are perfect for both you and your active preschooler! Our structured activities include hands-on science, music and movement, a thematic snack, and an outdoor adventure if the weather complies. Keep learning with take-home coloring pages and fun follow-up activities.
Join the specialists of Wingmasters for a live birds of prey demonstration at Sawyer Free library during the Middle Street Walk 2024! Birds of prey are also known as raptors, and they are hunting birds characterized by hooked beaks and powerful grabbing feet armed with sharp talons (the word raptor comes from a Latin word that means "to seize"). Raptors can also boast the best eyesight and the sharpest hearing in the animal kingdom. Raptors include hawks, falcons and owls. This program is for ages 6 & up. This live presentation introduces 5 live birds of prey, all native to New England! All audience members must be seated in chairs, maximum capacity is 70 people. For more info, contact Christy Rosso.
Join the Musary for a fun night of revelry while supporting a local organization that helps local kids follow their love of music! The Symphony of Trees is our premier fundraising effort, which includes live entertainment, dinner, tree auction, and red carpet arrival. Monies raised from this event will support our mission in procuring musical instruments, refurbishing well-loved donated instruments, supporting instrument playgrounds, and making the library’s collection accessible to a wider audience.
Celebrate the season with us, friends and gingerbread fun. Decorate your very own gingerbread house and take it home to eat or display as a centerpiece during your holiday celebrations. Enjoy endless decorating options, from frosted roofs, gum drop fences and cookie christmas trees.
Join us Every Sunday at 4PM to see our Jersey heard being milked. See the cows bring brought in from pasture, get a look at the milking up close and ask our dairy farmer a few questions! Perfect for kids and adults alike. While you are here take a peek in the cheese kitchen viewing room, visit with our other barnyard animals or have a picnic in the stone paddock!
As backyard birds head south for the winter, let's give them a proper send-off with a fun, free family event that features bird banding demonstrations, interactive games about bird migration, and lots of table-top science. Younger children will enjoy our crafts and games, while older children can get involved in physics and engineering fun! Preregistration is not required. children must be accompanied by an adult. Family presentations will be offered at half-past each hour.
In this outdoor survival skills program, we will venture out onto the Ipswich River. Learn the In this outdoor survival skills program, older children will learn the basics of the ancient outdoor skill of fire-building. Participants will learn important safety steps, collect their own firewood, try different methods of fire-starting, and end with a roaring campfire and s'mores. No experience is necessary - just a willingness to learn and a respect for working with fire.
Find out why Native Americans call the November moon the Beaver Moon. Spend an evening walking in the crisp autumn air searching for fishers and racccoons and scanning the barren treetops for the silhouettes of owls. Smell the wood smoke and hear the crunch of leaves underfoot, reminding us that winter is just around the corner. We'll stop in the wetlands to observe beavers making their final winter preparations. What a perfect way to spend a quiet evening with your family before the rush of the holidays begins.
Interested in building a website or cool app? Want to work as a team and build a project you care about? Join our new Girls Who Code Club. This club is free for teens in grades 6-12. No coding experience necessary. Just bring your commitment to trying something new. Questions? Contact Meghan at