The HMS Bounty Visits Gloucester
The HMS Bounty will come to Gloucester on Saturday, September 1 and stay through the weekend offering public tours as part of the Gloucester Schooner Festival 2024! Tours will run Saturday and Sunday 10am-5pm.
The HMS Bounty will come to Gloucester on Saturday, September 1 and stay through the weekend offering public tours as part of the Gloucester Schooner Festival 2024! Tours will run Saturday and Sunday 10am-5pm.
It’s Base Ball, 1861 style at Spencer Peirce Little Farm! Teams playing today are The Newburyport Clamdiggers, Lynn Live Oaks, and Lowell Base Ball Club. These fun, historically accurate games feature underhand pitching and no gloves are allowed. A ball bounced once and caught is an out! Snacks, baseballs, and cards are available for purchase. Come and see for yourself how this game was played in the 1860's!
It’s Base Ball, 1861 style at Spencer Peirce Little Farm! Teams playing today are The Newburyport Clamdiggers, Lynn Live Oaks, and Lowell Base Ball Club. These fun, historically accurate games feature underhand pitching and no gloves are allowed. A ball bounced once and caught is an out! Snacks, baseballs, and cards are available for purchase. Come and see for yourself how this game was played in the 1860's!
Did you know that the Marine Corps shares a history with the town of Marblehead going back 100 years through aviation? Come to Downtown Marblehead to find out all about it, witness flyovers by Marine Corp aircraft past and present and get up close and personal with Marine Corp helicopters and meet their crews! On Saturday there will be a parade for the enjoyment of all!
It’s Base Ball, 1861 style at Spencer Peirce Little Farm! Teams playing today are The Newburyport Clamdiggers, Lynn Live Oaks, and Lowell Base Ball Club. These fun, historically accurate games feature underhand pitching and no gloves are allowed. A ball bounced once and caught is an out! Snacks, baseballs, and cards are available for purchase. Come and see for yourself how this game was played in the 1860's!
The HMS Bounty will come to Newburyport on Friday July 13 and stay through the weekend offering public tours! Tours will run Friday 10am-3pm, Saturday and Sunday 10am-5pm. In addition to tours of the Bounty there will be entertainment at waterfront park for everyone visiting the Bounty and Newburyport.
Pat Lowery Collins’ novel [amazon 978-0763645007 inline] is based in mid-19th century Essex. This story of a twelve year old girl’s experience living on Hog Island during the winter brings together tales of the Essex landscape, the California gold rush and the Eastern Woodland Native Americans. This family program is fun for all ages and is free to the public.
Kids are invited to tthe Cape Ann Museum for two-hour "hands-on" class, where students will use a variety of artistic media to explore a central theme. During this open studio, kids will focus on the art of sculpture. This program is free and open to the public.