Wikki Stix at NPL

Stop by to build or make artwork with Wikki Stix, wax-covered pieces of yarn that mold into any shape you want. Drop-in for kids of all ages and abilities.
Stop by to build or make artwork with Wikki Stix, wax-covered pieces of yarn that mold into any shape you want. Drop-in for kids of all ages and abilities.
For Kids in Grades 6-12: Come to NPL try out the braiding technique kumihimo, the ancient Japanese art of creating complex patterns of braided cords. Join us in the Program Room for this free event! Please contact Emely, Teen Services Librarian, with questions.
Join us in making some kite artwork to get excited for Newburyport Winter Kite Festival! This program is open to kids of all ages and abilities. No registration required! The Kite Festival will take place on February 2. Please visit Newburyport Youth Service's website (newburyportyouthservices.com) for more information.
For students in grades 1 to 5 - join a class with Ipswich's LEGO guru, Jo-Ann Gorrell, to make a walking T-Rex dinosaur that uses batteries, motors and gears. Free of charge. Registration is required.
Origami Master Michael LaFosse will offer a free advanced origami workshop at The G.A.R. Memorial Library. Come learn folding techniques and how to create art using just a sheet of paper from an origami master! For tweens and up. Registration required. Contact Kate Gove for more info.
Origami Master Michael LaFosse will offer a free origami workshop at the The G.A.R. Memorial Library. Come learn folding techniques and how to create art using just a sheet of paper from an origami master! For ages 6 and up. Registration required. Contact Kate Gove for more info.
Celebrate spring by building a bluebird house with your child. We’ll supply all the materials and instruction to build a nest box for bluebirds and tree swallows. These wonderful nest boxes also attract chickadees, tufted titmice, house wrens, and woodpeckers. A short slide presentation will introduce families to the natural history and behavior of birds in Massachusetts, and we’ll discuss where and how to place your nest box. Dress for the weather because we will take a short walk to look and listen for bluebirds.
Flag Day commemorates the anniversary of the adoption of the Stars and Stripes as the official U.S. flag in 1777. Drop in and fashion flags, bookmarks, & more using postage stamps. Led by Spellman Museum crafters, Elaine & Amy. All ages are welcome, no registration necessary, free and open to the public.
Sawyer Free Library invites teens for our Summer Reading Program Teen Tarot and Henna Night! Come listen to our guest talk a bit about tarot, do some readings, and create henna designs!
Maudslay State Park has a strong connection to the arts. Join the interpreter for this art program incorporating natural materials gathered and assembled into a piece of art that will be reclaimed by nature. Photo cataloging will be used for the website. This program teaches cooperation, and creative thinking, as well as problem-solving, all in the great outdoors. This is a fun evening activity for the whole family!