Join the fun at the Swampscott Farmer's Market. We will line up at noon and take a walk through the market so the kids can show off their Halloween costumes.
Rain or shine, the Swampscott Farmers’ Market features a wide variety of produce, meats, fish, breads, flowers and crafts from farmers, food producers, and artisans from around Massachusetts and nearby New England states. Anchoring the market, Swampscott will have Clark Farm providing a large variety of produce, as well as John Crow Farms bringing produce, meats and poultry. Other vendors include Maitland Mountain Farms (known for their pickles and flowers), Fille de Ferme (producer of homemade jams and jellies), Cherry Street Fish Market, Big Sky Breads, and more.
The mission of the Swampscott Farmers' Market is to provide a venue where local farmers, producers, crafters and artisans can come together to provide a variety of fresh local produce and related products directly to our community members. The Swampscott Farmers’ Market aims to preserve and foster the well being of our local agricultural system, protect farm open space from being developed, and to educate residents about healthy eating and maintaining a healthy environment while providing a wholesome social experience that helps build our local community.