
Star Party with the NSAAC

Join the North Shore Amateur Astronomy Club in a Star party at Parker River National Wildlife Refuge in Newburyport Massachusetts

Join the North Shore Amateur Astronomy Club (NSAAC) at Parker River National Wildlife Refuge to experience the wonders of the night sky. NSAAC Volunteers will set up telescopes for viewing stars, planets, nebula, and more. Participants will be aided by members of the North Shore Amateur Astronomy Club in viewing the wonders of the night sky, and learn about the importance of dark skies for migratory wildlife from refuge staff.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023 7-9pm

CraneExplorer: Keeping a Nature Journal

Families are invited to a nature journaling workshop Castle Hill grounds in Ipswich Massachusetts

Calling all budding naturalists! Take inspiration from the beautiful landscape at Crane Estates and join us for a special session of creativity and observation. Families will create nature journals using a book-binding technique demonstrated by our coastal educators. Afterwards, participants will hike to inspiring parts of the estate where they can draw and document observations in their newly created journals. Our coastal educators will lead everyone through observational exercises and offer guidance as you make your first journal entry.

Saturday, November 11, 2023 1-3pm

Family Owl Prowl

Join a Family Owl Prowl Campout at the Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary. Photo: Scott Santino

People of all ages love owls, and many species of owls can be found right here in Massachusetts year-round. Experience the excitement of an owl prowl as we take a night hike to look and listen for Barred Owls, Great Horned Owls, and Eastern Screech-owls. Before we head out on our nocturnal adventure, we'll learn fun owl facts in our cozy Barn using real owl mounts, feathers, talons, and a brief slide show. We'll end our evening with an owl-hooting lesson.

Saturday, February 24, 2024 5:30-7:30pm

Tuck's Point COASTSWEEP Cleanup

Join Seaside Sustainability for a COASTSWEEP clean up of of Tuck's Point's shoreline in Manchester Massachusetts

Join Seaside Sustainability for a COASTSWEEP clean up of of Tuck's Point's shoreline from 9-11am on Saturday, October 14thWhat to Bring: Appropriate clothes for being on the coast, hat, sunscreen, water, snack, thin gloves optional, hand sanitizer, and a friend or two! Seaside Sustainability will supply everything you’ll need for the cleanups.  

Saturday, October 14, 2023 9-11am

CoastSweep: Gloucester

CoastSweep volunteers catalog marine debris collected at Cripple Cove in Gloucester Massachusetts

As part of COASTSWEEP Beach Cleanup, volunteers are encouraged to come to Gloucester to help in the statewide effort to keep our coastline clean along the Gloucester beaches and shoreline. Trash collected will be measured and analyzed, and the data will be sent to Washington DC to aid the government in creating legislation to minimize trash in our oceans! This specific cleanup is coordinated by Michael Mitchell and the Community Church of East Gloucester, and will cover up to 8 beaches in Gloucester.

Saturday, October 14, 2023 9am-Noon

Dirt Detectives

Come to Spencer-Pierce-Little Farm and give your kids a shot at archaeology!

October is Massachusetts Archaeology Month! Participants become archaeologists as they excavate a mock pit with actual tools of the trade and process reproduction artifacts in a field lab. Inside the museum, they explore building archaeology via trap doors. They analyze objects to learn about daily life at the farm over the last three hundred years.

Monday, October 23, 2023 10am-12:30pm

Star Party! Stargazing at Maudslay

Join the North Shore Amateur Astronomy Club in a Star party at Maudslay Park

Join the North Shore Amateur Astronomy Club for an evening of stargazing at Maudslay State Park. The night sky is spectacular when you can view it from the middle of a state park, where our street lights don’t spoil the view! Maudslay State Park teams up with the North Shore Amateur Astronomy Club to highlight the spectacular night sky.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023 7-9pm

Fun in the Field at IRWS

Learn about butterflies and other field creatures at the MassAudubon Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary!

Fields are alive with animal activity on warm, fall days. Spend an early October day chasing butterflies, grasshoppers, and crickets with nets while taking some time to closely observe these amazing insects. We may also encounter predators of the field, such as Blue Birds, Leopard Frogs and Garter Snakes! This will be a hands-on experience the entire family can enjoy.

Saturday, October 7, 2023 10-11:30am


A Landmark Summer Experience at Landmark School in Beverly Massachusetts prepare students for success in the fall and beyond.

Lego Time at MPL

Children in grades 2 and up are invited to come to the Manchester Massachusetts Library's Lego Club
Drop-in, unstructured Lego building fun! Come with friends or come to make new ones, this program is for kids ages six and up. 
3:30 pm to 4:30 pm

Chess Instruction at Abbot Library

Kids can play clocked chess matches against each other each Wednesday at the Abbot Public Library in Marblehead Massachusetts
Students in grades 2-6 are invited to weekly evening chess instruction by high school student Flynn MacCallum at levels from beginner through advanced players on Mondays in the Children’s Room. The Children’s Room will provide chess boards and pieces. This program is supported by the Oliver P....
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
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