See, Think & Wonder Walk: Hidden Habitats

Secret places in nature hide little creatures that are getting ready for winter now. We'll learn how to discover and observe these places with care and respect.
Secret places in nature hide little creatures that are getting ready for winter now. We'll learn how to discover and observe these places with care and respect.
Girls Day, offered twice a year and sponsored by MIT Museum, celebrates women who are exploring, researching, and innovating in fields of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Meet amazing women in these fields while doing fun hands-on activities. This family-friendly event is recommended for girls 10 and up, but all are welcome. Our theme this time is “Express Yourself with Science” and will highlight women whose work combines science and the arts.
Greenbelt and North Shore Nature Programs present Life Under Logs! Get ready to meet pill bugs, spiders, worms, and more! These cool creatures have a great story to tell about the life cycle of the forest. You can get as close (or stay as far away!) as you want in this fun, interactive walk through the woods for all ages. This event is FREE.
Discover a wonderful world of wetlands of the Crane Estate! Families are invited to get your feet wet and hands dirty in the salt marsh while using scientific tools to investigate marsh soil, water, & weather, and identify marsh flora and fauna. Learn what lives in the salt marsh, how the tides and weather shape life here, what the Trustees are doing (and what you can do!) to protect this essential estuary habitat.
The program will begin with an indoor presentation that will provide you with the information needed to be able to find and observe artificial satellites like the International Space Station and other human-made orbiting objects. Topics to be covered will include the nature of artificial satellite orbits, the best time of year for observing them, and how to identify them in the night sky. Weather permitting, we'll step outside afterwards to seek out artificial satellites and gaze into the night sky through the telescopes of local amateur astronomers. Along with the early springtime constellations, a young crescent moon and the planet Venus will be visible.
Sawyer Free Library offers a S.T.E.A.M. experience for families! Come to the library for a fun after school Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics activity for ages 3 and up with parental participation. Please register each child.
A fun-filled day for the whole family about everything from our ocean giants (whales, sharks, sea turtles) to deep sea creatures (octopuses, jellies)! For age 2-6, there are take-home crafts, an under the sea play zone, stuffies, coloring books and simple table-top science. For ages 7 and older, there are displays and interactives about overfishing, microplastics, sea level rise and climate change. Indoors and out. Rain or shine.
Whales! Let's pretend to go on a whale watch and learn how to breach and belly roll like humpbacks and find out how whales feed and handle some real whale teeth and baleens and bones. We'll also listen to whale sounds underwater and learn how people are protecting whales in the ocean. Keep learning with take-home coloring pages and fun follow-up activities.
These 90-minute sessions are for both you and your active preschooler! Each week, our structured activities will include original songs, movement, dramatic play, hand-on science, and a thematic snack. We'll give you coloring pages to take home and lots of fun materials via an electronic goody bag after each class. This session is all about seals which are found along the coast of the north shore.
Come dig up some fun at the Peabody Institute on Archaeology during February Vacation week! This FREE family-friendly event features interactive, hands-on activities geared toward all ages. Explore activity stations where you can test your color knowhow, make your own Grecian vessel, learn to writeunderwater, construct amazing structures out of LEGO, and more!