Tabletop Gaming for Teens at APL

Need a break from your console? Hang out at the library for an hour of analog tabletop gaming to meet new friends and discover a favorite new thing to play.
Need a break from your console? Hang out at the library for an hour of analog tabletop gaming to meet new friends and discover a favorite new thing to play.
Abbot Public Library invites teens for a creative challenge! As versatile as it is colorful, sturdy duct tape is an awesome crafting material! Try out a simple craft like making a bracelet, or challenge yourself and make a pouch or wallet. No registration required.
Abbot Public Library invites kids to a free showing of the newest Trolls sequel Trolls Band Together. Poppy learns that Branch was a member of the old popular boy band BroZone when he was younger, and Branch needs to go on an adventure to save his family.
Join North Shore YMCA and the Lynch van Otterloo YMCA host the 'Head to the Hill' 5k. Traverse the hills of Marblehead in support of the Y's Corner Stone collaborative program that provides free membership and support to individuals with cancer, those in treatment/recovery and their immediate families. Finish the 'Head to the Hill 5K at the Lynch/van Otterloo YMCA!
Students ages 8-10 are encourage to come to the Danvers Library to learn the game of Chess! We have the chess boards -- you bring your brain & sportspersonship. Registration required.
Abbot Public Library invites kids to a free showing of The Little Mermaid. The Abbot Public Library will feature the newest Disney live-action remake about a mermaid who makes a deal with the evil sea witch for a chance to experience life on land, ultimately placing her life and those she loves in jeopardy. For ages 6 and up. Rated PG.
The Marblehead Rotary hosts the Marblehead 5K for Mental Health! Marblehead Rotary club is providing Marblehead schools with a daily mindfulness program called Inner Explorer, a nonprofit, that has developed a series of audio guided practices used in over 7000 schools. The program is simple and delivers measurable results. Inner Explorer’s mission is to make the daily practice of mindfulness, approachable and accessible for school communities and to equip educators, students and their families with valuable life skills that foster human potential.
The Marblehead Chamber of Commerce will host a Trick or Treat in Marblehead's business district's in celebration of Halloween. Enjoy sweets and treats, and extended shopping hours at participating businesses throughout town. Look for the "Happy Halloween" pumpkin poster displayed at retailers to indicate their participation. In conjunction with this this event, the Marblehead Family Fund and Marblehead Museum will be hosting a Pumpkin Illumination in the Lee Mansion Garden from 4-7 PM.
The Lynch Van Otterloo YMCA in Marblehead Massachusetts will host a Trunk or Treat and we need your help! The Y is looking for volunteers to display their trunk idea/theme for Friday 10/27 from 4:30-6:30pm. Set up begins at 3:30.
The Annual Marblehead Museum Pumpkin Illumination in collaboration with the Marblehead Family Fund will take place in the Jeremiah Lee Mansion Gardens. All carved, painted and decorated pumpkins welcome. Judging by town “celebrity” judges for categories with prizes. All the town goblins and ghouls will want to stop by to take a peek at these wild creations during the town-wide Trick or Treat.