Annual Falliday Fun Fair

Join the Polish, Russian, Lithuanian & American Citizens Club for our annual Falliday Fun Fair. Over 25 local vendors and crafter with amazing products for fall and holidays!
Join the Polish, Russian, Lithuanian & American Citizens Club for our annual Falliday Fun Fair. Over 25 local vendors and crafter with amazing products for fall and holidays!
Join Amesbury Carriage Museum for a FREE monthly drop-in time at the Industrial History Center for 6 to 12 year olds. Drop in for family Tinkertime and try your hand at weaving!
This program has been canceled! Join this interactive program to make music in the peaceful pine grove, learn about the sounds of nature, and about how music has filled the air at The Crane Estate throughout the years. Enjoy a creative lesson and then create your own music using provided instruments, your own brought from home, or your own homemade instrument made from natural objects using the provided materials.
Unicorns, giants and monsters, oh my! This story and craft program will focus on a different mythical creature each week. Please register individually for each week you plan to attend. Registration for first two weeks will start June 24, later dates will open two weeks before each program.
Each weekend in July and August the House of 7 Gables invites young (and young at heart!) guests to explore different elements of colonial life through hands-on activities. These drop-in programs will run 11 A.M. to 3 P.M. Saturdays and Sundays and are free with the purchase of admission. This summer, we will be exploring traditional children’s games and the art of calligraphy. Stop in for some hands-on fun!
Historic Beverly's Hale Farm is host to a fun and interactive series of drop in activities for kids of all ages, available any time the property is open Fridays and Saturdays from 11am to 3pm. Kids are encouraged to try some colonial games and then make their own to take home!
The Amesbury Public Library invites kids to make seed bombs! Come by after school and create a seed ball! Stop by and get a little messy with this fun project that helps spread native seeds around. All ages and everyone is welcome to make one. This program is outside and weather dependent!
PEM invites families to celebrate the upcoming summer solstice, a time of great momentum in the natural world, as well as the longest day of the year and the official start of summer.
Celebrate with art, conversation, and drop-in crafts for children and adults! This is the biggest holiday of the year for IRWA, and we’re ready to celebrate. Join us to decorate fish, make cardboard river-themed creature costumes (shad? herring? stickleback? turtles? which one is your favorite?), and more! We’re making costumes so that next week, on April 29th, we can parade down Main Street to the riverwalk in our creations. Ipswich’s own Monarch Gardener will be donating native seeds that pollinators love so you can help our local pollinators thrive!
Teens are invited to Abbot Public Library for a fun afternoon of crafting. Prepare for springtime with a summer camp favorite! Learn how to make a colorful keychain or zipper pull using plastic lacing. Make a simple box stitch keychain with two colors, or learn how to do more advanced shapes with three and four colors. Instructions will be provided, and no registration is required.