The Essex Bay Sailing Club will offer sailing lessons for its 11th season at Conomo Point in Essex. The program is designed for children ages 8 and older who want to have fun learning to sail. In addition to sailing, the program introduces sailors to the fundamentals of boating safety, navigation, weather awareness and essential seamanship skills within the shelter of the Essex River estuary.
Beginning and intermediate sailors learn to sail in a 12-foot sailboat known as an Escape Captiva. More experienced sailors are encouraged to participate in an introductory racing program using Captivas and the Club 420 class of sailboats. Race team members will have an opportunity to race in regattas against other sailing clubs.
The eight-week sailing program is divided into two four-week sessions. The first session runs June 28-July 23, while the second session continues from July 26-Aug. 20. Club activities typically include: sailing games, “Pirate Day,” visits to local beaches, a sail to Farnham’s for lunch, a family sail, a cookout and an Awards Ceremony.
The Essex Bay Sailing Club is now accepting registrations for all sailors interested in having fun on the Essex River. Information about class schedules and online registration is available at the club’s website, essexbaysailingclub.org and questions may be directed to Sarah Cushing at srcushing@comcast.net.