Thursday, March 28th, from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Cape Ann Waldorf School welcomes parents to visit Kindergarten to observe the Waldorf curriculum in action. Learn about the Waldorf approach to Kindergarten by observing the children in their daily rhythm and ask questions of the CAWS faculty.
There will be a Q & A with Cape Ann Waldorf School faculty. This is an adults only session.
Cape Ann Waldorf School understand that young children explore and learn about their world with an intensity that is unsurpassed at any other stage of life. Children yearn to touch, taste, see, hear and engage with everything in their environment. These early experiences of the world are critical for healthy intellectual, social-emotional, and physical development.
Teachers focus on imaginative play, both indoors and outdoors, singing, storytelling and a consistent daily rhythm of practical, artistic and imaginative activities using natural materials. Play is a cornerstone of learning in the Early childhood and the basis for building physical coordination, brain neurology, imagination, creativity, sensory integration, and skill in problem solving and social resilience and confidence. These early years form a solid and everlasting foundation for lighting a spark for learning and becoming a happy, healthy, and engaged individual in the world.
Come and learn more about Cape Ann Waldorf School in Beverly. Kindly register by calling 978-927-1936.