Free Book Swap with Salem Recycles

SalemRecycles Free Book Swap returns to the Community Life Center at 401 Bridge Street on Saturday, March 18 from 10:00am-1:00pm! Swapping isn't necessary -- you may donate, take away, or both.
SalemRecycles Free Book Swap returns to the Community Life Center at 401 Bridge Street on Saturday, March 18 from 10:00am-1:00pm! Swapping isn't necessary -- you may donate, take away, or both.
Salem residents & property owners (with ID or tax bill) can recycle e-waste on the last Saturday of the quarter at Salem High School, 77 Willson St. Please stay in your vehicle the whole time and have your items ready to unload in your trunk, truck bed or hatchback – items will not be unloaded from car seats. Please wear a face covering and have your cash or check ready.
Don’t throw away your broken item – bring it to the Repair Café! SalemRecycles' 11th Repair Café is on Saturday, March 12 from 9:00am - noon, at the Community Life Center at 401 Bridge St. Appointments are required at this free event, which is for Salem residents only, please.
SalemRecycles is hosting their annual textile recycling event! Clean out your closets the green way - drop off USABLE and UNUSABLE textiles at SalemRecycles' fifth annual Clothing and Textile Recycling Drive. Look for the Goodwill truck in Riley Plaza (212 Washington Street, Salem). Usable items will be sold in Goodwill stores; unusable items will be recycled into new products.