Ice Cream Social at the Phillips House

Kick off summer at Phillips House. Enjoy ice cream from Treadwell’s of Salem, listen to music from the Ukulele Union of Boston, tour the carriage house, and play lawn games in a historic setting.
Kick off summer at Phillips House. Enjoy ice cream from Treadwell’s of Salem, listen to music from the Ukulele Union of Boston, tour the carriage house, and play lawn games in a historic setting.
Celebrate World Oceans Day with Salt! Salt is a real humpback whale who spends her summer in the waters off Massachusetts and is among the most famous whales in the world today. She was first seen in the mid 1970s here in Massachusetts Bay and has been seen just about every year since. Explore inside a 40 foot inflatable replica of Salt and learn about her and her whale family-she has had at least ten calves since researchers started studying her. Hosted by Salem Coordinated Family & Community Engagement
Salem residents & property owners (with ID or tax bill) can recycle e-waste on the last Saturday of the quarter at Salem High School, 77 Willson St. Please stay in your vehicle the whole time and have your items ready to unload in your trunk, truck bed or hatchback – items will not be unloaded from car seats. Please wear a face covering and have your cash or check ready.
Kids are invited to decorate their own broom with pendants, charms, plants, ribbons & more. Our 20" kids' brooms are assembled by The Witchery and ready for your little ones to customize! Broom decorating is a hands-on, friendly activity in a relaxed setting. Kids will browse our tables to select their items and then customize your broom. Parents may need to assist with tying and fastening, etc. Appropriate for ages 3-10. Activity will be outdoors whenever possible. Kits to go also available.
Earth is alive! Oceans are full of millions of fish and other marine life, forests and marshes are home to countless more species. Where do you find yourself gravitating to? Celebrate our living world — and the aspects you wish to protect most — by creating your own collage. Then, take a moment to share on the white board what you most want to protect in this world.
Real Pirates Salem, a historical experience featuring an exhibition of real pirate treasure recovered from the shipwrecked Whydah – discovered by famed underwater archaeological explorer Barry Clifford – will open its doors on Saturday, April 9 at noon. The objects in the exhibit are from the world’s only fully authenticated pirate treasure ever discovered – including coins, jewelry, a cannon, and other weapons – retrieved from the wreck, and last touched by the hands of pirates more than 300 years ago.
Each chocolate Easter Rabbit half is filled with creamy butter caramel, Harbors Sweets famous almond butter crunch and whole toasted almonds. This little guy has been a family favorite of ours for many years now and is definitely going in our baskets again this year. It makes a lovely dinner host gift too.
Don’t throw away your broken item – bring it to the Repair Café! SalemRecycles' 11th Repair Café is on Saturday, March 12 from 9:00am - noon, at the Community Life Center at 401 Bridge St. Appointments are required at this free event, which is for Salem residents only, please.
Peabody Essex Museum is excited to have families come see their new space at the museum designed just for innovation! The Maker Lounge is dedicated to creativity and innovation through hands-on exploration with technology, materials and ideas. It builds on PEM's tradition of bringing together new and inspiring objects from around the world and celebrating creative expression through human ingenuity. Tackle a design challenge or tinker with all kinds of materials from circuits to cardboard saws. Both energizing and relaxing, the space has music, iPads and universal phone chargers.
Drop-in for our yearly holiday wrapping paper workshop. This year we will be joined by Regina from the Boston Paper Collective as we learn Suminagashi, the ancient Japanese art of paper marbling. Make your own Suminagshi paper and see some examples of Ebru (Turkish paper marbling) as show above.