United States Coast Guard Station Gloucester will hold its annual Safe Boating Day Event on Saturday May 18th, to kick off National Safe Boating Week, which is May 18-25. The event is to promote boating safety and awareness.
Gates will open at 9:00 am and close at 1:30 pm. This free event is a great place for boaters to learn more about equipment and procedures that can keep them and their passengers safe on the water - and to learn how the U.S. Coast Guard and the Coast Guard Auxiliary work together to provide for your boating safety.
This is a family friendly event and includes many activities for children including: boat tours, life jacket fitting, coloring, and face painting. Kids can say hello to Rocky, the inflatable right whale calf; Lucy, the leatherback sea turtle model, and a life-sized Atlantic and shortnose sturgeon models. Kids learn how to safely enjoy watching endangered species in their natural environment.
This free event is a great place for boaters to learn more about equipment and procedures that can keep them and their passengers safe on the water. There will be recreation booths and tours all day. Island Class Patrol Boat, will be available during the day's events.
For more information please contact Rick Bowen at 978-283-0705 Ext. 204.