The soil in the garden has barely been turned and already the first sign of Summer has appeared. Strawberries! With Strawberries comes the Topsfield Historical Society's 50th Strawberry Festival and Craft Fair in early June which offers a spectacle of strawberry fun for each and every one. The Strawberry Festival and Craft Fair, one of the best in the region, celebrates the region's rich agricultural heritage.
Bowls and bowls of fresh strawberries, whipped cream and piles of shortcakes are prepared and served by volunteer members. Over 60 fine crafters and artisans display hand crafted, one-of-a-kind items including jewelry, pottery, crafts, photography, floral pieces, fine art, glass works, and much more.
For newcomers this can be their first introduction to Topsfield's small town life - all the local groups such as the Garden Clubs, the Friends of the Library, the Newcomers Club among many others are available to explain their activities and invite new members. Old timers look forward to finding their favorite artisans’ displays of arts and crafts and, of course, to browse through the hundreds of books at the annual Friends of the Library book sale.
Special educational event by the 28th Massachusetts Irish Brigade encampment group will present an authentic representation of what a Civil War soldier's life was like.
There's always live music to tap your toes to and plenty of games for the kids, sponsored by the Masconomet Soccer Team. Find that “special something” among the many fine artisans displaying their wares. New this year an Youth Artisans in the Gould Barn sponsored by the Tri-Town Council. And, of course, the strawberry shortcake! Get your shortcake tickets early because they are in great demand!