At the turn of the 21st century the Common Threads Quilt Guild began a project called The Storybook Quilts under the leadership of Pat Gandt. The quilts were sewn with love by members of the guild with the goal of supporting literacy and fostering interest in the needle arts. The guild drew inspiration from children’s books that used quilts or coverlets as an integral part of their stories.
Guild quilt makers faithfully interpreted these stories based on drawings and descriptions in the books into expressive and fanciful quilt art. Quilters Kathleen Dainton, Heidi Lee, and Nancy LeGendre presented The Storybook Quilts to elementary schools across the north shore. As a result thousands of children over ten years had a chance to see and handle the quilts as part of a variety of school enrichment programs. Now adults and children can see these wonderful quilts here at the museum.
Visit again and again to make new discoveries you find in the art!
Donated by: Common Threads Quilt Guild of Topsfield, MA, in memory of Pat Gandt