Come to the beautiful Danvers-Wenham Swampwalk where Santa will be making a special stop to meet you and have his picture taken with you to raise money for Toys For Tots! Photos, downloads, ornaments and Christmas cards can be ordered online later that day and weekend and all proceeds from the sale of these items goes directly to TOYS FOR TOTS! Grab the family, the dogs, and walk off that Thanksgiving turkey - please join us! Please join us in thanking our 2015 Marine, CPL BRENDON LANDRY, for his service and for helping with our #ToysForTots Fundraiser!
The SwampWalk is located along the Wenham St, Danvers to route 97, Topsfield leg of the Danvers Rail Trail. Parking is located by the Agway on Wenham St, on Locust Street at Choate Farm, and on route 97 in Topsfield.