Pocahontas Comes to Life at Sawyer Free Library with Carole Finn Weidman! Her name was Rebecca, a princess whose short life was so fantastic, so filled with adventure that after 400 years we remain fascinated. Actress Carole Finn of Beverly brings her back to life in a one-woman show for kids in the Friend Room at the Sawyer Free Library.
Finn says she adapts her show for various ages and tells an interactive folktale called "Gluscabi and the Wind Eagle" which is comical but carries an important message about how the Native Americans greatly respected nature and how important it was for their survival.
Finn is a professional actress from film and stage and has found satisfaction and freedom performing her unique shows at schools, libraries and local events. Carole is a magical experience for girls and boys of all ages to interact with their favorite storybook character. Carole Finn Weidman performs over 30 well-known princesses and fairy tale characters to the delight of many children (a storybook character that comes to life giving your child a memory that will last a lifetime).
Carole has performed over 1000 shows for area schools, libraries, and private birthday parties over a span of a 10-year acting career. Carole performs well-known historical figures as Betsy Ross and Clara Barton, as well as Amelia Bedilia, Beatrix Potter, Miss Frizzle, and Cat In The Hat.