Bring the whole family down for the 5th annual Peabody Car Show. Enjoy a stroll down Main Street and take in a wide selection of classic, collector, antique and specialty cars from all eras on display. DJ, 50/50 Raffle, Photo Booth, Auto Vendor Booths, Childrens Activities, Dine at downtown restaurants. Fun for the whole family!
Free admission.
Note: Main St will be closed to vehicle traffic between Washington St to Foster St. for this event. The square will be open.
Car Owners wishing to participate will be accomodated on a first come, first serve basis and need to line up at the Elks Lodge, 38 Oak Street, Peabody. Check in opens at 9:00am until start of show or space no longer available, which ever comes first.
Interested in becoming a sponsor? Want to feature your auto related business or product? email lgeczi@ne-arc.org for more information.
Rain date: Sunday, June 9