Mark your calendars it's time again for the CAPE ANN SUP TURKEY PADDLE. This race is meant to be fun and bring people together before most of us spend a few months in hibernation! Profits will go to our good friends at The Open Door, who will help fill the bellies of many Cape Ann-ers this holiday season.
All participants can park at Essex Marina (35 Dodge St. Essex, MA 01929). Spectators can feel free to watch from the marina but, chances are, the Essex causeway will give you a better view.
Race Course/Rules: Paddlers will launch from the Essex Marina and and paddle to the "Cox Reservation." There will be someone standing on land there with an item. Paddlers will have to grab something from them and paddle it back to the marina. "The Item(s)" are TBD (full Turkey's are not out of the question!). First one back, wins. Plain and simple. Paddle whatever you wish, prone, raceboard, rec board, heck you can swim if you really want to!
Distance: approx. 1.5 mi.
Donation Amount: $40.00
After the event, we invite all participants & family members to the Cape Ann SUP board barn for a post-race, pot-luck celebration! Bring whatever you can/want. We will have outlets available if you want to bring your slow cooker! That worked well in the past.
Sign up by calling the board barn (978-233-1787) or clicking the link below