Cape Ann Family Fun Fair

Pathways for Children invites families to their Cape Ann Family Fun Fair! Come for a morning of fun activities, catch a live demonstration by Curious Creatures, and a puppet show by Adventures with Amy and Open Mic!
Pathways for Children invites families to their Cape Ann Family Fun Fair! Come for a morning of fun activities, catch a live demonstration by Curious Creatures, and a puppet show by Adventures with Amy and Open Mic!
This parent/child program is designed for the creative, curious, and active preschooler who loves animals. Each 90-minute session offers a structured series of activities including original songs, movement, dramatic play, hands-on science, and a thematic snack. You'll receive coloring pages, song lyrics, vocabulary, a fun fact sheet, and a suggested reading list in an electronic goody bag!
Tuesday Story Hour at the Waldorf School at Moraine Farm is a great opportunity to meet new friends, play outside, relax indoors listening to a story, visit our school and experience the Waldorf environment. Story hour includes outdoor play in our playground and a story and/or puppet show.
Our story hour experience will give you a small window into a Waldorf education.
Do you have a child who likes to learn and enjoys one-on-one activities with you? Does your child like to sing and use their imagination? This parent/child program is designed for the creative, curious, and caring preschooler who loves animals. Each 90-minute session offers a structured series of activities including original songs, movement, dramatic play, hands-on science, and a thematic snack. You'll receive coloring pages, song lyrics, vocabulary, a fun fact sheet, and a suggested reading list in an electronic goody bag! This is an indoor/outdoor program. Limited to 12 preschoolers and a grown-up. This week we'll focus on shorebirds and the beach habitat!
Join Mass Audubon's Joppa Flats Education Center on a 'River Meets the Sea' cruise aboard Newburyport Harbor Tours Inc.'s Yankee Clipper through the Merrimack River Estuary! Teacher Naturalist, Lisa Hutchings will provide her expert pair of eyes to help your family find all the exciting sights and sounds of the marshes and varied habitats of Plum Island as you cruise along the Merrimack River.
Join Mass Audubon's Joppa Flats Education Center on a 'Beach Creature' cruise aboard Newburyport Harbor Tours Inc.'s Yankee Clipper through the Merrimack River Estuary! Teacher Naturalist, Lisa Hutchings will provide her expert pair of eyes to help your family find all the exciting sights and sounds of the marshes and varied habitats of Plum Island as you cruise along the Merrimack River. This cruise will focus on the creature of the beach haibtat!
Join Lisa Hutchings and the crew of the Yankee Clipper for an exciting exploration of the lower Merrimack River ecosystem. Each month will feature a specific theme with hands-on science, interactive props, and seasonal wildlife. We'll also look for seabirds, seals, and waterfowl on every trip. Your family will have a wonderful time cruising and learning about this vital part of the area's natural history.
The Yankee Clipper is US Coast Guard inspected and licensed and has life jackets and a marine toilet for your convenience.
All children must be accompanied by adults. The deadline for preregistering for this program is 4:00 pm on the day before the program. We will run this program in all weather except thunderstorms or small craft advisories.
Why are some trees green all year round? Did you know that trees have birthday candles and record their own autobiography? On this walk, we will discover the secret lives of trees and learn to identify some common species.
The North Shore YMCA has a ton of fun packed into this February Vacation week. Find lots of open time in the gym, pool and gymnasium for you to be together as a family, full day field trips for kids, intensive swim and gymnastics lessons, sports and gymnastics camps and family fitness fun.
NEW for Toddlers! The Boston Ballet School is now offering the Hand in Hand program at the Marblehead location. The Hand in Hand is a program designed for young children to learn the beautiful art of dancing. With the help and active presence in class of one parent or caregiver, children will be guided in a playful way to dance, move, jump and run with harmony and grace.