Weekday Little Explorers: Backyard Birds

What birds come to your yard in the winter? We will walk the trails looking, listening, and calling for birds. Then we will warm up back in the Nature Center and make a bird feeder to take home.
What birds come to your yard in the winter? We will walk the trails looking, listening, and calling for birds. Then we will warm up back in the Nature Center and make a bird feeder to take home.
Predators such as the eastern coyote can't go to the market for groceries, so how do they get their food? We'll spend some time indoors learning about the different predators in Massachusetts, including how they hunt and how they stay warm to survive the cold winter months. Then we'll take a walk to look for fishers, river otters, foxes, hawks, and owls. Tracks, chews, scat, pellets, and bones will show us where predators have partied.
Step out under the December night sky to seek out shooting stars associated with the Geminid meteor shower, which is considered by many to be one of the strongest showers of the year, rivaling in strength the better known Perseid meteor shower of mid-August. The Geminids have a reputation for producing very bright shooting stars, or fireballs. Although it is not possible to know just how many meteors we will see, the fact that the shower reaches maximum intensity on this night should improve our chances of spotting some of them. The observing portion of the program will be preceded by an indoor presentation that will explain the origin of meteor showers in general, and the Geminids in particular, as well as the best way to observe them.
We are all intrigued by the elusive owls. We'll learn about these creatures and have the opportunity to observe owls mounts and touch feathers, followed by a walk outside to look and listen for owls. Upon our return, we will let Mother Nature be our inspiration and create owl art from a variety of mediums at different work stations.
Join Mass Audubon for a family concert with acclaimed singer-songwriter and storyteller Steve Schuch. Steve has delighted audiences across the U.S. and Europe with his toe-tapping music, humor, and captivating stories. Come hear beautiful fiddle playing, listen to songs about the wildlife and wild places right here in New England, and enjoy stories about the natural world that the whole family will love. Also check out our morning workshop with Steve for adults who are interested in learning to use music and storytelling at home and in the classroom to connect children with nature.
The Ipswich River is the perfect river to start your children canoeing. We'll pair up two adults and two children per canoe and take a leisurely paddle up the river. We'll stop off in one of the backwater areas and do some dipping in the river to observe up close the creatures under the surface. On our return, we'll enjoy a snack at the canoe landing and talk about what we discovered. Bring a blanket and we'll provide a sweet treat.
As fall descends, we will explore the sanctuary forests and wetlands for various fungi and lichens. We will learn what they are and how they are different, and what habitats are common to each. Their beautiful colors, textures, and patterns reveal a beautiful world in all seasons. This can become a wonderful family outdoor hobby, and you will always find new treasures awaiting you if you look closely.
Originally founded by Nancy Begin in 1971, the Topsfield Farmers' Market features locally grown products and hand-crafted goods. Come see us on Saturday mornings 8am to 12 noon through the end of September. Our vendors feature a variety of fruits and vegetables, baked goods, jams, jellies, relishes, vinegars & soups made with locally grown produce. We guarantee you'll a bountiful and mixed selection of vendors from week-to-week.
Join Mary Mansur, Cape Ann Waldorf School Kindergarten teacher and beekeeper at Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary for a hands-on workshop to harvest honey and beeswax as we learn about the honeybee, and how humans and honeybees can support one another. Learn how the products of the beehive are utilized at Waldorf School at Moraine Farm and how the hive and the honeybee can teach people of every age. Participants will bring home a little bear filled with honey.
Explore the beautiful Ipswich River with your family on a Saturday afternoon. We'll paddle this gentle river to enjoy the early fall foliage, observe the surrounding marshes, and bid farewell to the summer. Along the way, we'll stop to stretch our legs and enjoy some ice cream!