The Perseid meteor show is an annual astronomy event that happens on Earth between mid- July and late August. In 2023, the Perseids will be peaking on August 13th, with the best viewing being August 12-14! Many meteors will be visible in the night sky as Earth passes through the debris trail left by the passage of comet Sift-Tuttle.
This years showers should have up to 15-20 meteors per hour and the best time to view them is the dark hours before dawn. The Perseids this year don't have to compete with light from the full moon, which tends to add extra intensity to the show! In years when there’s no moonlight, NASA says, the Perseids typically produce more than 60 shooting stars per hour.
That doesn't mean you cant see meteors before then, you can start sky watching any time after 10pm. To increase your chances of seeing as many meteors as possible, go to the coast or the country far from municipal light sources like cities and large populated areas that cast ambient light skyward. The darker the enviroment, the better your chances of seeing many shooting stars. Lastly, giving your eyes time to adjust to the dark will allow for a better viewing experience.
Happy Stargazing!