Come enjoy a movie projected on a giant screen on the waterfront, under the stars in downtown Gloucester Massachusetts! Bring a lawn chair, blanket and your family for a night of Hollywood blockbuster fun! Food and refreshments will be available starting at 6pm, and movies will begin at dark!
This week's showing will be Yellow Subamarine! Pepperland is a cheerful, music-loving paradise under the sea, protected by Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. The titular Yellow Submarine rests on an Aztec-like pyramid on a hill. At the edge of the land is a range of high blue mountains, and the people of Pepperland live in peace, that is until the Blue Meanies arrive...
Yellow Submarine Trailer
Get it at Amazon: [amazon:B00000JRUQ:inline]
Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6pm