Join us this Sunday, August 25, from 9-11 AM at the Rowley Farmer's Market for a care clinic for your favorite stuffed friends! Nurse Libby of the Alpaca Center of Rowley and her team will be checking stuffed animals for bumps, breaks, bruises, and rips and helping them stay healthy and happy.
The Rowley Farmer's Market takes place every Sunday from mid-July to late September, 8 AM to 1 PM, on the Rowley Common. Last week's local offerings included corn, cucumbers, peaches, tomatoes, honey, various jams and jellies, lobster, fresh fish, sunflowers, basil plants, natural insect repellent and wound balm. The Rowley Historical Society will have goodies and refreshments available this weekend.
Sunday, August 25, from 9-11 AM