It's time to Party! Every second Friday through the month of June, the YWCA is giving parents a chance to relax and enjoy a well deserved night out or in, and the confidence of knowing our highly qualified youth services staff have their kids' entertainment covered! This popular program, which includes an hour of swim plus wicked fun activities like raucous Wii competitions, dancing and karaoke jam sessions, also includes a tasty snack to add to the party vibe. On March 9 they'll be showing the film 'The Sandlot'. There's also pizza dinner, themed activities and Open Swim
- Full payment must be presented to the YWCA membership desk (at 13 Market St.) to reserve a space for your child.
- Reservations are accepted right up to the time of the program, but space is limited so early reservations are recommended.
- Program is for students in grades 1-5.
Children need to be able to swim without the support of a flotation device. All children are expected to follow the YWCA pool rules.
What to bring: Bathing suit, towel, goggles, sleeping bag/blanket, pillow and your favorite pajamas.