Are you quick enough to find one of Salem's rarest keepsakes of 2024? Join the search for hidden gold coins designed by 13-year-old resident Georgia Wrenn in the city's 6th annual coin hunt! Georgia’s Salem-centric brand Georgia Made This features her artwork and celebrates all things spooky and whimsical. One gold coin will be hidden every Saturday and Sunday during October. Clues that lead to the historic hiding places will be released at noon on those days on Georgia’s Instagram page. Follow @GeorgiaMadeThis and @PeabodyEssex to join in the fun! Sponsored by the Peabody Essex Museum.
Georgia Wrenn is a tween who has grown up in Salem, Massachusetts. Her company, Georgia Made This, was started by Georgia and her Dad when she was 6 years old, as a way to market her art (and start saving for college!). Initially offering T-shirts with Georgia's trademark hand drawn skulls and ghosts, her collection has expanded to include enamel pins, stickers, embroidered patches, collectible coins, glassware and much more!