Shore Country Day School invites you to hear Dr. Marisa Silveri address her research on adolescent brain development and the effects of alcohol and drug use on brain function on Thursday, May 3, at 7:00 p.m. A nationally acclaimed Behavioral Neuroscientist, Dr. Silveri has been studying the adolescent brain for the past fifteen years and currently holds positions at Harvard Medical School, McLean Hospital, and BU School of Medicine.
This must-hear address is open to the public, free of charge. The event begins at 7:00 p.m. this Thursday, May 3rd at Shore Country Day School, 545 Cabot Street in Beverly. No reservations needed. To learn more about the event and Dr. Silveri, visit www.ShoreSchool.org.
Shore Country Day School, is an independent, co-educational pre-K through 9 day school located in Beverly, Massachusetts. Shore provides an education that inspires a love of learning and encourages children to embrace academic challenge. We seek to build character, cultivate creativity, and value diversity as we help our children become healthy, compassionate citizens of the world.