The Brain Balance Program™ was designed based upon the following ten unique principles with regard to our approach to helping children with various neurobehavioral and developmental disorders such as Autism, Asperger’s, ADD/ADHD, Learning Disabilities and others:
- Brain-Based Approach: We use a brain-based approach which recognizes that AD/HD, Dyslexia, LDs, Autism etc. have similar primary underlying problems, and areas of the brain involved in these disorders require similar intervention strategies.
- We Assess Functional Disconnection Syndrome (FDS): All human functions are distributed differently in each side of the brain. Symptoms are caused by under-connectivity and desynchronization between or within one side of the brain, or an exaggeration of function on the alternate side… Simply stated there is an imbalance of function when comparing the two halves of the brain. Brain Balance Centers offer the only program designed to assess, document and objectively quantify FDS through the use of extensive testing in all areas of function.
- Hemispheric-Based Program Is The Key: Since an imbalance is the core problem, it is not enough to just generally stimulate the brain. We must stimulate one side more than the other. So a hemispheric-based approach, or activities directed toward a primary goal of achieving a balance between the two sides of the brain, is the key to success. To do this, one must use hemispheric-specific activities that include sensory, motor, academic, behavioral, and biochemical modalities.
- Problems Can Be Permanently Correctable: It is now understood that the difficulties associated with AD/HD, LD, Dyslexia and Autism are primarily a result of environmental influences effecting genetic expression and are therefore are often correctable.
- Measure and Improve Actual Function: Brain Balance Centers address and correct underlying brain dysfunction. It is recognized that as function improves, through neuroplasticity, symptoms abate. However, if you simply address symptoms, function will never improve. For example when medication is effective in reducing symptoms, these same symptoms return once the medication is discontinued.
- Complete Individualized Assessment: A deficiency in any one or a combination of functional areas related to motor (gross or fine, rhythm/timing), sensory (visual, auditory, tactile (touch), vestibular (balance & body position) olfactory (smell)), behavioral, academic, immune (nutritional, biochemical) can produce the symptoms associated with AD/HD, LD or Autism. Each area of function must be measured individually.
- All Functional Problems Addressed: If an intervention simply addresses one component of the disorder one cannot expect all of its related difficulties to improve or be corrected.
- Same-Time Integration: Not only must all components of a disorder be addressed, it is also necessary that activities utilized for correction of each component be performed together within the same time frame.
- Brain/Body Balance: If the brain is out of balance it stands to reason that the body will be out of balance as well. Therefore balance one and the other is effected.
- Children Require a Different Approach: Our program is presented in a nurturing and enjoyable fashion while improving brain function through sensory-motor and academic activities, which have been developed specifically for children. This has been proven to be much more effective than extra help in school or behavioral counseling alone.
Want to know more? Read the newly released book Disconnected Kids, written by Brain Balance founder Robert Melillo!
Brain Balance Center Danvers. Call today 978-705-9570.