B received [amazon 9780375851193 inline] from a woman who really enjoys watching his progress as he grows. He fell in love with it on the first read through, so we read it daily. While looking up this book on Amazon, I was pleasantly surprised to find that this book is actually the basis of a whole line of stories about Harry and the Bucket Full of Dinosaurs, including a cartoon show out on DVD that we will definitely have to check out.
The story starts off with Harry helping his Grandmother clean out the attic. While he was up there he found a dusty old box of dinosaurs that he dragged downstairs. He washed them in the kitchen and repaired the old toys. Sometime during the fixing and washing, his imagination started to take over and he decided that they would like it best if they lived in a bucket. The adventure unfolds from there.
The story is great for language development because the names of the dinosaurs play a big role in the story line, plus there's a train. What could be better than dinosaurs and trains (ahem - Dinosaur Train)?
The underlying theme is that sometimes the best adventures don't necessarily require a brand new toy or game. Sometimes the imagination just needs a little nudge by spending some quality time with something old and broken. I can see myself using a Harry as a point of reference many times as we move forward on our own adventures into the future.
We can't wait until we get to the next Harry and the Dinosaurs and have found that some of the books and related media are hard to find, imported from the UK or out of print, so I thought I'd share what I have found in my browsing:
- [amazon 9780375851193 inline]
- [amazon 0375825428 inline]
- [amazon 0375833382 inline]
- [amazon 0375841806 inline]
- [amazon 0140569847 inline]
- [amazon 0140569855 inline]
- [amazon 0141500042 inline]
- [amazon 0140569839 inline]
- [amazon 0375839771 inline]
- [amazon 0141500476 inline]
- [amazon 0141384077 inline]
- [amazon 0141501383 inline]
- [amazon 0141502436 inline]
- [amazon 0141382473 inline]
- [amazon 0141501723 inline]
- [amazon 0141501820 inline]
- [amazon 0375838678 inline]