Great News Announcement! EPSTEIN HILLEL SCHOOL (EHS) is accepting applications. Schedule a private tour with Jennifer Stam Goldberg and find out why the community at EHS is a perfect fit for your family.
781-639-2880 ext 215 or jgoldberg@epsteinhillel.org
EPSTEIN HILLEL SCHOOL (EHS) is the independent Jewish day school in Marblehead, Massachusetts. Since 1955 (most recently as Cohen Hillel Academy*), our students have been heading out into the world with a lifelong love of learning and a desire to affect change. We provide a rigorous interdisciplinary curriculum grounded in Judaism that provides the finest in kindergarten, elementary, and middle school (K-8) education.
Epstein Hillel School shares a campus with Temple Sinai and the Jewish Community Center of the North Shore and partners with numerous other agencies and schools across Greater Boston.