Nancy Jones of Salisbury will never forget December 4, 2015 at 12:04. “Everything froze – my thoughts, my emotions. I felt like I was watching a movie.”
Doctor: “How are you doing?”
Nancy: “You tell me.”
Doctor: “Nancy, we found cancer.”
Nancy was talking to Peter Hartmann, MD, FACS, Medical Director of the Gerrish Breast Care Center at Anna Jaques Hospital, which is affiliated with Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, a Harvard Medical School Teaching Hospital.
“The world just literally stopped on its axis. It was a surrealistic, life-changing kind of moment. The one thing that I clearly remember from that conversation was Dr. Hartmann saying the only reason the cancer was found this early was because I had a 3D Mammogram. Otherwise, we may not have known until next year at the earliest,” said Nancy. The cancer was diagnosed at the earliest stage possible, Stage 1A. “The emotional impact and experience is still very strong and of course, the treatments have a physical impact.”
Nancy went back to work that day. “Two co-workers stopped by to check on me. I couldn’t say the words. My eyes filled with tears and they knew. Over the next few weeks, as I wrestled with my diagnosis, I couldn’t spit out the words ‘I have breast cancer.’ I could speak very intelligently all around it but when I had to say those words, they stuck in my throat.”
3D Mammography Makes the Difference
Anna Jaques Hospital offers 3D Mammography at three convenient locations in Newburyport, Amesbury and Haverhill. 3D Mammography is the latest and most advanced technology in breast cancer screenings and detection and is the biggest breakthrough in breast cancer detection in 30 years because it provides clinicians with a level of clarity proven to improve accuracy and reduce call-backs and biopsies.
Six years ago, Nancy began having routine mammograms every six months due to dense breast tissue. It was a check-off on her to-do list and she never gave it a second thought. Her experience this past November, around Thanksgiving, was what led her to this December day.
“As usual, I went in for my mammogram and waited for the results. The technician came out and said they were seeing something and would like to do an ultrasound.” Nancy had the ultrasound that same day and based on those findings was scheduled for an ultrasound biopsy three days later. “I had a routine appointment with Dr. Hartmann that following Friday so he would go over the results with me then.”
Care Team Leans In
Back in Dr. Hartmann’s office, when Nancy learned she had breast cancer, he sat with her, explained the treatment protocols and discussed options. Then, she met with Kathy Porter, RN, OCN, CBCN, Patient Navigator at the Gerrish Breast Care Center. In her role, Kathy provides support to women throughout their care.
“I am a data person,” said Nancy. “Kathy immediately picked up on that. She leaned in, squeezed my hand and then gave me a number of comprehensive and understandable resource tools about cancer. It had all the data I wanted and prevented me from getting lost on the Internet.”
Since these initial meetings, Nancy has had a Lumpectomy and has just recently completed a series of radiation treatments. “Dr. Hartmann, Dr. Claire Fung, Dr. Jonathan Eneman and the entire team at Anna Jaques are wonderful. I can’t speak highly enough of everyone,” said Nancy. “In an undignified time everyone always respects my dignity and meets me with warmth, and just the right touch of humor. They are always supportive and patient, taking the time to discuss every question on my list.”
Women, Take Care of Yourself
“‘I have breast cancer.’ These words and this entire experience have caused me to look at my health and my life through a different lens,” said Nancy. “We all have a finite amount of time here. It’s okay to be picky, be selective and be respectful of yourself. Be deliberate in your self-care and the choices you make. Your body is the only vessel you have. For me, these are things I have understood intellectually and now I am living them from the heart. My life is a new normal and I don’t ever want to forget these feelings. For such a tough experience it brings me new perspectives that I hope I never lose sight of.”
Know Your Risk. Get Screened.
Nancy’s Aunt, on her dad’s side, was diagnosed with breast cancer in her 60’s but that’s the only history of breast cancer in Nancy’s family. Because of dense breast tissue Nancy and her doctors established a proactive screening schedule, and her experience is proof that an early detection strategy does work.
“I urge women of all ages to discuss their breast health and history with their physician,” said Nancy. “Work with a breast care team to develop a plan that meets your needs. You don’t need a referral for a mammogram and if your insurance covers it always choose 3D Mammography. Five minutes of your life and a little discomfort can make a huge impact on your future, and prevent so much more time and pain in the long run.”
Don’t lose focus on your health in the shuffle of life. Make a commitment to take care of your emotional and physical health year-round. This is the best gift you could possibly give yourself and your family.
All patients are offered 3D Mammography at Anna Jaques for screening and diagnostic exams regardless of age or breast type. Initial screening results are provided within two business days.
Call 978-834-8210 or visit ajh.org/breastcare for more information and to take a risk assessment. You may self-refer for a screening mammogram. Initial screening results are provided within two business days. Be sure to discuss your assessment with your physician or a member of our breast care team at your next mammogram.
3D Mammography is available at Anna Jaques in three locations – Newburyport, Amesbury and Haverhill.
* Anna Jaques mammography possesses a valid license and certificate of inspection issued by MDPH.