Northern Essex Community College is offering a week-long Summer Music Festival at its Haverhill Campus for pianists, violinists, and cellists of all musical levels, August 6 through August 10. Open to musicians 10 and older, the program will focus on solo and chamber repertoire, technique, and fundamental music theory, all in relation to their historical content.
The cost is $275 per person plus a $25 registration fee. Students will receive individual lessons and chamber music coaching during the morning session and master classes in the afternoon focusing on technique, basic music theory as it relates to the repertoire studied and the discussion of various works of composers from the Baroque, Classical, Romantic and modern day in the afternoon.
On Friday, August 10th at 7PM, there will be a free performance of the works studied by the participants in the Hartleb Technology Center on the Haverhill campus. This festival will be directed by NECC Music Program faculty member Christina Dietrich, with guest artists, violinist Alice Hallstrom, cellist Caroline Reiner-Williams, and pianist Michael Kramer. Professor Dietrich will meet with each student prior to the start of the workshop for proper placement.