North Shore Community College is offering a variety of creative, fun classes for kids 5+ this summer. Classes begin July 6 for three weeks - two classes per week.
A few of the classes offered are:
Behind the Scenes
- Kids will lend their talents to "Play Acting" They'll design props, make costumes and learn all there is to creating a Play.
American Red Cross Babysitting Course
- Kids train to become a certified babysitter.
- Kids will invent a character and develop a story line to create their own comic book.
Kids Tech Academy
- Kids create from scratch a programming language that allows kids to create interactive stories, games, music and art.
Model Behavior
- Kids learn from a professional model proper nutrition, etiquette and behavior to walk life's runway with confidence and ease.
Sew Fun
- Kids make stuffed animal, pajama bags or gifts for friends.
World of Baking
- Kids bake and learn about special foods from around the world.
- Kids will learn what is up there in the in the sky
This list is just a sampling of the many classes offered. Visit the North Shore Community College - Kids to College website to register.