The Shalin Liu Center will be showing a movie produced by Rockport High School graduate David Wittkower focused on the brave men and women of the US Coast Guard. 'Guardians of the Gates' takes a hard look at the elite Coast Guard Search & Rescue crews that conduct over 600 rescues a year.
Filmed at the nation's second busiest Coast Guard station--located right next to the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco–Guardians gets an inside look at what makes these search and rescuers put their lives on the line every day, going out in extreme weather and waves that are over twenty five feet. With the camera crew riding along, you get a front seat ride as the Coast Guard crews are tested in life and death situations.
Produced and Directed by David Wittkower, graduate of Rockport High School, 1979 and winner of over 27 film festival awards, Guardians is his most intense film yet. The audience is invited to stay on after the film for a Q&A with the film maker David Wittkower and Gloucester Harbor Master and former Officer in Charge Boatswain Mate Senior Chief (ret) James Caulkett.
U.S. Coast Guard