Cape Ann Animal Aid invites rescuers and their pet to reunite at Stage Fort Park! Bring the family for a day of fun, games, and food! Connect with rescuers and Cape Ann Animal Aid staff and volunteers!
DOG ADOPTERS - Please register in advance. Licensed, leashed, and friendly dogs are welcome! Goodie bags will be available at the event for registered dogs while supplies last.
CAT ADOPTERS - Cats must stay at home but please register in advance and bring some photos to share! (Also, please share photos and updates before the event in our Cape Ann Animal Aid - Cat Adopters Facebook Group). Goodie bags will be available at the event for registered cats while supplies last.
The Rescue Reunion is free to attend but donations are appreciated and welcome! Be sure to bring some extra spending money for food, merchandise vendors, and of course, our popular Reunion Raffle prizes!
QUESTIONS? Contact Tim Short.