
Forest River Park

This area of about 25 acres is located along the Forest River between Lafayette Street (Route 114) and Leggs Hill Road. It includes forest, meadows, wet lands, estuary, salt marsh, glacially-scared outcroppings, small ponds and a small river. There are walking trails throughout.. The estuarine land is subject to tidal action and serves as a spawning ground for much marine life as well as home for waterfowl.  The Conservation area is remarkably variable, consisting of ledge outcropping sloping from a plateau at the cemetery to the Forest River at sea level.

Castle Rock Park

This 1.20 acre park, located off Ocean Avenue on Marblehead Neck, gets its name from the castle-like private home next to the park. Once known as "Great Head", Castle Rock was a lookout for arriving and departing fishing fleets and for pirate and enemy ships, both British and France. It offers spectacular views of the Atlantic Ocean with benches, fishing and off-shore sailing.


Crocker Park

Crocker Park, with some of the best views of Marblehead Harbor, is situated on 2.82 acres of land off  Front Street. The site of the park was originally known as Bartoll's Head but was named after Uriel Crocker, who donated a large portion of the land to the town in 1885.  The park is home to a plaque commemorating Marblehead's contributions to the U.S. Navy. Crocker Park offers a pavilion and gazebo, benches, restrooms and a swimming float and hosts numerous weddings and summer-evening concerts.


Fountain Park

Fountain Park, at one time known as Bailey's Head, was the site of a fort during the Revolutionary War and later the War of 1812 when it was called Fort Washington. The land was donated to the inhabitants of Marblehead by James J.H. Gregory in 1888. Fountain Park is located on Orne Street, opposite Old Burial Hill.



Glen Urquhart School Pre-K through 8th grade in Beverly MA

Lego Time at MPL

Children in grades 2 and up are invited to come to the Manchester Massachusetts Library's Lego Club
Drop-in, unstructured Lego building fun! Come with friends or come to make new ones, this program is for kids ages six and up. 
3:30 pm to 4:30 pm

Chess Instruction at Abbot Library

Kids can play clocked chess matches against each other each Wednesday at the Abbot Public Library in Marblehead Massachusetts
Students in grades 2-6 are invited to weekly evening chess instruction by high school student Flynn MacCallum at levels from beginner through advanced players on Mondays in the Children’s Room. The Children’s Room will provide chess boards and pieces. This program is supported by the Oliver P....
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
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