North Shore Baby includes everything you need to know to make the most of raising a family on the beautiful North Shore. Complete with activities, daytrips, and family-friendly shopping tips, as well as essentials on museums, theaters, classes and playspaces, North Shore Baby is a must for parents north of Boston. So gather up the kids, grab this trusty field guide, and discover all that Essex County has to offer you and your family!
Dana Rousmaniere is a writer, editor, and content manager for online and print publications. She has written for Fit Pregnancy, Good Housekeeping, The Atlantic Monthly Online, Northshore Magazine, and others. Dana lives on the North Shore with her husband and three children.
North Shore Baby: A Field Guide for Parents North of Boston is available online and in local boutiques and bookstores such Toad Hall Bookstore in Rockport, the Andover Bookstore, Spirit of '76 Bookstore & Card Shopin Marblehead, and the The Book Rack Bookstorein Newburyport.