How far would you go to save a dog in need? Over the past ten years Greg Mahle has driven over 8,400 miles a month, more than a million miles in all, bringing abused, abandoned and homeless dogs from the deep south to forever homes in New England. Greg's story is told in Peter Zheutlin's new book [amazon 1492614076 inline]
Come for an evening with Peter Zheutlin to hear this amazing story. In the course of writing the book, Peter traveled more than 7,000 miles with Greg and spent time with rescue organizations and volunteers on the streets of Houston and other small cities and towns and in shelters in Louisiana and Texas. What emerged is a portrait of an extraordinarily devoted group of animal lovers who have upended their lives to save and improve the lives of countless forgotten dogs. Books will be available for sale and signing for those interested.
All are welcome to this free event!