BeanTown Swing will bring live music to Downtown Peabody this December for the City's annual Holiday Concert! the Peabody Concert Committee is proud to present A Big Band Christmas, featuring the Beantown Swing Orchestra. This renowned band specializes in vintage Swing Era and Sinatra classics and will perform many of your holiday favorites and all-time seasonal classics,
Dancing in the Snow with Beantown Swing
The band will be accompanied by the Peabody High School Chorale, uder the direction of Mr. Jon Simmons. Concert-goers will have an opportunity to experience the talent of our community’s brilliant young performers during this special holiday pesentation.
Tickets to A Big Band Christmas are on sale now at Peabody City Hall and are only available through the Mayor’s Office. As always, tickets are sold on a first come-first served basis.
If you would like to dedicate a song to a loved one, or for a special occasion please contact Mary Bellavance in the Mayor’s Office.
- The concert will take place in the City Hall Auditorium.
- Tickets available for pre-purchase only and will not be available at the door.