Basketball season is right around the corner. James Naismith invented the sport at the Springfield YMCA and Ys across the country have been perfecting basketball and how its taught ever since.
The Y of the North Shore offers basketball leagues for boys and girls of all ages. Through our values and principals, we build great players and people by strengthening character in our youth, engaging families, and creating lasting relationships. Participants in our leagues build skills, learn about teamwork, and focus on sportsmanship. Families are presented with second-to-none volunteer opportunities as coaches, team parents, and committee members.
“YMCA Basketball Leagues are geared toward helping young people develop social skills for group and team interaction,” says Casey Sudak, Sports and Adventure Director at the Greater Beverly YMCA. “It's our hope that our leagues will be an opportunity for young people to develop themselves not only as an athlete, but as a person. Our leagues place an emphasis on having fun while learning the skills of basketball, sportsmanship, self-respect, respect for others, and positive attitudes about winning or losing.”
Y leagues are designed to be a family program and everyone in the family is encouraged to come to all of the games, cheer on the children, and be involved in the development of these important skills. “The examples that the coaches and parents set during the games and practices will contribute to the success of the league and its participants. We hope that you and your child will walk away from our league having learned more than just the skills for the game, but also skills for life,” he says.
Each YMCA offers leagues for different ages and they begin at various times throughout the remainder of 2013:
Cape Ann YMCA
Coed leagues for children ages 4 through high school. Youth leagues start November 9th and high school league starts in December. Contact Brian Flynn for more details: flynnb@northshoreymca.org.
Greater Beverly YMCA
Coed leagues for children ages 4 through grade 9. Kiwanis league (girls grades 3-9 and boys grades 3-7) is now registering. League starts November 1st. Rookie and Pee Wee leagues registration starts October 22nd. League starts in January. Contact Casey Sudak for more info: sudakc@northshoreymca.org.
Haverhill YMCA
Coed leagues for children ages 3 through grade 8. Pee Wee and Youth leagues are now registering. Leagues start in November. Travel League (grades 5-8) tryouts are October 12th. Contact Clint Clay for more info: clayc@northshoreymca.org.
Ipswich Family YMCA
Coed leagues for children ages 5 through grade 6. Registration starts October 22nd. Contact Mat Beaver for more information: beaverm@northshoreymca.org
Lynch/van Otterloo YMCA in Marblehead
Coed leagues for children ages 5 to 9. Registration starts October 22nd. Contact Emily Hudak for more information: hudake@northshoreymca.org.
Salem YMCA
Coed leagues for children ages 5 to 12. Registration starts October 22nd. League starts November 30th. Contact Charity Lezama for more information: lezamac@northshoreymca.org.